ISGlobal is a consolidated hub of excellence in health research that encompasses more than 30 years’ experience, drawing on expertise from both the hospital environment and academic institutions.
ISGlobal has become a pioneer in its field, combining research on communicable diseases with research on chronic diseases and their environmental and climatic causes. A pivotal mechanism of our work model is the transfer of knowledge generated by scientific research to practice, a task undertaken by the institute’s education and policy, and global development departments and through its Initiatives, such as the Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative.
Our ultimate goal is to help close the gaps in health disparities between and within different regions of the world. ISGlobal is now ranked internationally as one of the world’s leading research and policy centres in the field of global health.
Contact person
Carolyn Daher
Co-ordinator, Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative
Contact info
Barcelona Institute for Global Health – ISGlobal
Doctor Aiguader, 88, 08003 Barcelona, Spain