Salus journal

Healthy Planet. Healthy People.

Cities / Healthy Cities

Healthy City Design 2019

Creative cities: the importance of arts, culture and community to population health

By Daisy Fancourt 29 Nov 2019 0

This presentation will reveal some of the fascinating findings on the impact of the arts on the prevention and treatment of mental and physical health conditions.


Tales of the fundamental importance of the arts within societies have existed for more than 40,000 years. In the past two decades, research has begun to demonstrate the tangible impact of arts and cultural engagement for health and wellbeing.

This presentation will consider the psychological, physiological, social and behavioural mechanisms underpinning this phenomenon.

It will also explore how insights from behavioural science can help us understand patterns of human interactions with the arts and how behavioural interventions can encourage greater arts participation within communities.

Organisations involved